Bouquet Red Oilcloth
This subtle, classic, elegant print also known as Bouquet Red Oilcloth, features little bouquets of blue and white flowers set against a brilliant red background. This oilcloth adds a charming and sophisticated look to any decor. Ideal for creating reusable tablecloths, stylish aprons, and decorative covers, this oilcloth is designed for both beauty and durability. It’s waterproof, washable, and easy to maintain with a simple wipe from a soapy sponge, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
- Pattern: Little bouquets of blue and white flowers
- Color Scheme: Red background
- Width: 47 inches
- Durability: Weather resistant, non fraying and washable
- Care Instructions: Easy to clean with a soapy sponge
- Available Sizes: Sold by the yard (47" wide) or in a 12-yard roll (47" wide)
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